January 2013
- House Republicans seek pension changes
- Locally-Administered Pension Plan Funding Lags That Of State Plans
- Virginia weighs 401(k) plans for state workers
- Budget Expert, Unions Warn of Unconstitutional Pension Reforms
- New Social Security Retirees Will Outlive Official Trust Fund; 25% Benefit Cut In 2033; Reform may be possible now that implicit deal with workers has changed
- Workforce gets grayer all the time
- Americans Make Hard Choices on Social Security, Prefer to Raise Payroll Taxes and Increase Benefits
- Column: Retirees face their own ‘fiscal cliff’

February 2013
- Maryland Treasurer Nancy Kopp says state must fully fund pensions
- Pension reform is put on hold
- Jerry Brown administration digs in against unions on pensions
- How GASB Changes Will Affect Public Pensions – Part III
- Big state pension change analyzed by actuaries
- Governor of Illinois Tells Legislators Pension Costs Put State at ‘Critical Juncture’
- Retirement Redux; Survey Suggests Many Executives Rethinking Retirement
- How to get the most out of Social Security; The right timing and a little planning maximizes benefits and enhances retirement
- IRS Provides Single-Employer Defined Benefit Plan Average Segment Rates for 2013 Plan Year
- IRS Releases Covered Compensation Tables for 2013
- Closed pension plans face non-discrimination peril
March 2013
- State and Local Governments Focus on Pension Funding Policy
- House passes pension bill Legislation would limit cost-of-living increases
- Oregon Democrats unveil pension-cut proposal
- House passes pension bill
- Kansas lawmakers end push for 401(k)-style public pension plan
- United States: IRS Relief For 403(b) Retirement Plans
- Retirement squeeze is on in U.S.
- For Retirement Security Europeans Top
- Americans EBSA Releases Field Assistance Bulletin on New Annual Funding Notice Requirements for SingleEmployer Defined Benefit Pension Plans
April 2013
- Senate OKs 401(k)-style pension plans for state employees
- Has Pension Reform Gone Too Far?
- Governor’s Proposal to Delay State Contributions Would Add Billions to Public Pension Debt
- Maryland governor gets bill changing pension funding formula
- Cash Balance Plans Could Overtake 401(k)s
- Using Pension Funds to Build Infrastructure and Put Americans to Work
- Many Pensions’ Current Approach to De-Risking Actually Increases Risk of Needing to Make Higher Contributions in the Future, According to Cambridge Associates Report
- United States: DOL Issues Guidance On MAP-21 Annual Funding Notice Requirements
- Baby Boomers’ Retirement Planning Confidence Trending Downward

May 2013
- These California cities could be next in bankruptcy
- Illinois Pension Standoff Ahead as Senate Approves Its Own Fix
- Pensionomics 2012: Measuring the Economic Impact of DB Pension Expenditures
- Pa. pension reform legislation begins circulating
- Aging America: Seeking softer retirement landing
- Boomers’ outlook dims as retirement nears
- Washington: Take Three: Lifetime Income Illustrations
- Pension plans can make all the difference in retirement
- Fidelity® Estimates Couples Retiring in 2013 Will Need $220,000 to Pay Medical Expenses Throughout Retirement

June 2013
- Reviewing, Understanding and Using the Actuarial Valuation Report and Its Role in Plan Funding (CORBA) (2013)
- Public pension costs swamp revenues of 10 U.S. states -Moody’s- Illinois Pension Standoff Ahead as Senate Approves Its Own Fix
- What’s a Chained CPI and How Might It Impact States?
- State pension reforms to result in more hybrid pension plans — report
- The Funding of State and Local Pensions: 2012-2016
- Low Interest Rates Weigh on Retirement Readiness
- Actuaries: Living Longer + Lack of Lifetime Income = Risky Business
- Three-Fourths of Higher Education Baby Boomer Faculty Members Plan to Delay Retirement, or Never Retire at All
- Index Value Reaches Five-Year High in MetLife’s 2013 U.S. Pension Risk Behavior Index Study; — Many Plan Sponsors Poised to “De-risk” Their Defined Benefit Pension Plans

July 2013
- Fight on Detroit Retiree Funds Looms
- U.S. public pensions weaken, but deterioration slowing
- Understanding New Public Pension Funding Guidelines and Calculations
- San Jose pension reform goes to court
- Maryland State Retirement Agency Reports Preliminary Return of 10.6% on Investments in FY 2013 Exceeds 7.75% Assumption
- Sheet Metal Workers pension fund latest to go to variable benefits
- Opening the Window Wider
- Risky Business: Living Longer Without Income for Life
- PBGC Proposes Rules on Premium Rates, Payment of Premiums, Reducing Regulatory Burden; Comments Due September 23, 2013
- Golden Years or Financial Fears? Decision Making After Retirement Seminars

August 2013
- San Bernardino Wins Eligibility for Bankruptcy
- Rising returns give US public pension funds chance to reform
- New York’s Pension Rates Decline for First Time in Five Years
- UPDATE 1-Judge speeds hearing on Detroit bankruptcy eligibility
- Some Pensions Embrace Riskier Assets
- Appellate ruling changes game for private equity
- Foreign Retirement Plans Seen Scrutinized in U.S. Effort: Taxes
- IRS grants church-plan status to St. Peter’s Healthcare System
- Funding Improvements Shouldn’t Nix Pension Contributions

September 2013
- Morningstar Releases Its 2013 Edition of The State of State Pension Plans
- EXCLUSIVE-U.S. city, county public pension levels sank in 2012-Wilshire
- Moody’s Proposes Making Pension Liabilities a Bigger Factor in Bond Ratings
- Top-performing public pension funds
- Retiree Health Benefits May Be Harder to Cut If Court Ruling Holds
- Kodak Leaves Bankruptcy Behind with its Pensions in Hand
- Pension funding relief is tempting but the price may be too high in the long run
- Employers shift health coverage
- Actuaries Encourage Employers to Consider Offering Retirement Income Programs
- Can defined contribution plan returns match defined benefit?

October 2013
- NASRA Issue Brief: Public Pension Plan Investment Return Assumptions
- Cities borrow to strengthen pension funds
- North Miami Beach to sue pension board
- Cullerton: Illinois pension debt not a ‘crisis’
- VRS pension underfunding criticized
- All Eyes on 2018, and How to Avoid Excise Tax
- Poll: Half of older workers delay retirement plans
- Stealth Bill Would Allow Cuts to Current Pensions
- Social Security’s Real Retirement Age Is 70
- A long history of reaction

November 2013
- Cincinnati Issue 4: Voters say loud no to pension reform
- Six reasons that a frozen pension plan is different
- Dillon: Retiree health care, not pension shortfall, a core reason for Detroit bankruptcy
- Chicago Has Credit Rating Cut 3 Steps by Fitch on Pension’
- Pew Study Outlines Impact State, Federal Cuts Had on Cities
- SEI Research: A Switch To Mark-To-Market Accounting Has Little Impact On Key Financial Metrics
- Retirement Plans: Year-End Planning
- Funded Status of U.S. Corporate Pensions Rises to 91.8% in October
- Possible extension of MAP-21 interest rate stabilization
- 2012 Asset Allocations in Fortune 1000 Pension Plans

December 2013
- Detroit Becomes Biggest U.S. City Ever Eligible for Bankruptcy
- Detroit pension funds can go straight to U.S. appeals court
- How One Mayor Pulled His City Back From the Brink of Bankruptcy
- Cities and the Fiscal Challenge of Retiree Health Care
- San Jose pension reforms ruled violation of rights
- 2013 End of Year Plan Sponsor “To Do” List Part 3– Qualified Retirement Plans
- Is age 70 retirement the ‘new normal’?
- Pyramis Survey Reveals Rising Risk Appetite Among Corporate U.S. Mid-Market Pension Plans, Despite Concerns
- Preview of 2014 Lump Sum Interest Rates
- Additional Information On 2013 Long Term Projections For Social Security